Thursday, December 15, 2011

14 weeks left..... REALLY?

As I look at Clayton's baby book and calendar, I contemplate life and how fast this pregnancy has gone. I have been logging EVERYTHING and taking pictures for his scrapbook and baby book and I now look at all of it as I put it together and cannot WAIT until he his here. We, of course, need the time that is left to get the nursery complete along with making the final transitions in our home so that our family can welcome him in and bond together.

I have completed the most of the dreadful tests of this pregnancy- Yes, I did the glucose test and passed; however, was sick for three days after. I do not think that the test is humane....hehehe.....I did not like the orange flavor with my first two pregnancies and was certain that I was not going to like the fruit punch one either. I had multiple nurses trying to convince me that the new flavor has not "upset" as many women- YEAH RIGHT!!!! The flavor was worse.
I now have my 4D ultrasound at my next appointment!!! :) I can NOT wait! I am already having talks with my lil man telling him ahead of time about coooperation and the importance of needing to see his precious face.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Holidays.... Exhausting and memory-building!!

So the  Thanksgiving meal was phenomenal!!! Thank you mom and Tom! It was wonderful to see my sister and my nephew... and the best grandpa ever!!! I only hope to have have such an outlook on life and the tremendous amount of energy at 82 years old. :)

My grandpa was playing with three of his great-grandchildren like he was seven again.... AND, was up until 11:30 at night. It was such an amazing event to watch. Liam (my nephew) was loving Ally! He climbed up on her lap and she read to him... the girls built little towers for him and he would knock them down... he would make himself laugh with the cat food---LOL! It was so adorable.

I have many pictures that will show you what I am talking about in this entry.... Clayton is growing! I know by the looks of my belly! :)  He is moving and the movements are stronger by the day. I am extremely excited and anxious to meet him... this pregnancy is FLYING by. My next appointment is on Tuesday at 12:30pm- it is the dreaded glucose test. I am preparing to be nauseous for a week or so....:(

Auntie, Liam, Ally, & Madisyn catching up

Ally testing out her new bed!

Ally built Liam his tower and he is so exited to knock it over!! He can hardly contain himself.

Liam Anthony Brandon~ 16 months and so very handsome!!
Auntie misses you bubbas! xoxo

Great-grandpa and the girlie's....

The girls' have officially been moved into "their" bedroom now on their new bunk bed now- I have a ton of throwing away and donating useless toys in attempt of combining both of their possessions into one room. This may take all of my time from now until Clayton is here but it must be done! :)

                                                       I LOVE this picture!!! Priceless moment! Liam would crawl  up to Ally and just stare in her face! So sweet!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving.... I do LOVE this time of year "minus" the weather!

I am SOOO excited! My sissy is in town with my precious nephew! I LOVE to watch my girls interact with him. It is priceless! He has grown SO much- obviously he would have being that it has been a year since I have been able to see him. But a life of a child is so amazing! The girls and I are going to have Thanksgiving dinner at mom and Tom's (MmMmMmmmm!) with my sister, My nephew, and my Grandpa! It will be great! THEN.....

Me and Lindsay are going BLACK FRIDAY shopping all over together! :) yay!!! I have mapped it all out; however, it never seems to go as planned! LOL But it will still be fun! Me+Lin+ shopping the craxy stores! = Priceless and FUN!

I will add pictures later! I am compiling a collection and will share once this week/weekend is over! Have a great Thanksgiving all! BE SAFE!

Friday, November 18, 2011

                                                                     Madisyn "Maddie"

Alexandra "Ally"
Second Grade

Both of them are loving school....hopefully this lasts into middle school and high school! :)
It may be the AMAZING teachers that they have!


These pictures are definetely old- However, they change everyday as it is! Pictures taken last week are technically "outdated!"

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Life continues to speed right past me....

I started a blog a couple months back but of course did not remain dedicated to it....SO- I am starting this one. When I sit and contemplate life (as I have been doing more and more lately) while I am home and awaiting the birth of our third child. The results of our gender test came as a surprise to what seems like everyone in our life. We will be welcoming our first lil boy in a few months.

When I went to my doctor I brought our girls with so that our pregnancy could be as real for them as it is for me. They saw Baby Clayton on the monitor and watch him move all around as well as hear his heartbeat. Their facial expressions once they heard his heartbeat were priceless!!!

Now here we are 22 weeks into the pregnancy and have SO much to do with so little time! This pregnancy has flown by ; however, life in general really has. I feel like I am stuck in Bill Murray's "The Groundhog Day" because everything that I do I did the day before and WILL do it again tomorrow.

My girlies are growing everyday into beautiful young ladies. It is hard to believe that it has been seven years since we welcomed Ally into our lives and six since Madisyn blessed us with her presence.